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Hello.  My name is Shannon, wife and mom of 2 beautiful children and a husky that leads us all.  My family is my life and our photos are my inspiration.  Our wonderful childhood memories keep us here in Kansas.  My husband and I are highschool sweethearts; together for 11 years now.  We bought our first home about a year ago and I need to STOP pinning and start doing! I love to create and be inspired by new projects to make our home unique and our memories last forever!

My first passion was horses, then softball and for the past 10 years, a hairstylist.  This is where my love for transformations started.  Discovering the beauty in all things is one of the best gifts God has given me!  Although, life can throw you a curve ball which can lead you down a different path.  I strongly believe the challenges we have faced not only make us stronger, but gives us an opportunity to do great things for others. 

Our lives were changed 2 years ago when our daughter was born with Long QT Syndrome (a.k.a. Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome).  We had never heard of this, it is when certain triggers can send the heart into a lethal arrhythmia that cannot always correct itself. It usually passes through families genetically, but not for our daughter. She just so happens to have a form they are yet unaware of and cannot tell us what she needs to avoid to help prevent one of these attacks. So they say, treat her as a normal child, give her medication 4 times a day, but know that something could happen to her at any moment. I guess that is when the fear of losing her set in. The little things suddenly took great meaning in our life. I can’t describe how special those baby photos and little keepsakes became. They were little reminders of the good times we have had with her, something positive to focus on other than the hospital visits and testing. 

That is where my inspiration for the boxes started.  I wanted to create something unique by using my own photographs that could be displayed in our home and hold a few special keepsakes as well.  I chose the wooden boxes because I enjoy refinishing wood.  The smell alone brings back a few of my favorite childhood memories....watching my dad build in our basement and the old barn where my parents would take me to ride horses.        
In the meantime, our son had starting Kindergarten and was earning his first metals through all his favorite sports. You can imagine, through the Dr. appointments and hospital visits, we really had to step it up for him. Wipe the tears, put on a smile and keep going. Having a new little sister was not exactly turning out how he had thought it would. She was taking a lot more of our time away from him than any of us could have expected.  All of his recent accompoishments inspired me to make a special box just for him.  A little reminder of how proud we are of him and what a great job he is doing.  He keeps all his metals and awards in his box and loves to show anyone who comes to the house.   

My (step) aunt, also at this time, was fighting cancer. She was my hair mentor. We shared a special bond and passion for making people beautiful. She saw the boxes I made for my two kids and asked if I would make a few small boxes for her to give to a few of her closest friends. A gift she could give them so they would always remember her, if by some chance she did not beat the cancer this time. She passed away two months later.

Once life started to slow down a little, my husband and I decided I would not go back to doing hair.  Instead, I would stay home with our daughter full time. I knew I would miss making people beautiful, but an easy choice to make for my family.  So, in my spare time he encouraged me to share my boxes with others because he knew how special they were to us.  

 There are so many moments and people in life worth remembering! I am very passionate about these boxes and would love to share them with you!  Thanks for stopping by!!

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